Real Estate Sales & Lis Pendens (Nassau & Suffolk Profiles)
These combination Real Estate Sales & Lis Pendens reports are published for Nassau and Suffolk Counties every Thursday evening in PDF format and sent to you via email. .
The reports provide a complete listing of all Real Estate Sales Deeds recorded during the reporting period, showing:
Month of Closing
Seller’s Name(s)
Purchaser’s Name(s)
Street Address, Hamlet and Zip Code of Property
Tax Map Information (District/Section/Block/Lot) for Eastern Suffolk
Sale Price
Other Notes as Appropriate (Condominium, Vacant, etc.)
Total Number and Dollar Amount of Sales.
They also provide a complete listing of all Pre-Foreclosure (Lis Pendens) filings recorded during the reporting period, showing:
Defendant’s Name(s)
Street Address, Hamlet and Zip Code of Property
Date and Amount of Mortgage
The Profiles are packaged as follows:
Oyster Bay/North Hempstead
*South Fork
*North Fork
*Eastern Suffolk County is published every other Thursday