Lis Pendens Monitor
The Lis Pendens filing formally begins the foreclosure process. It is filed in the county clerk’s office and it indicates that the property is in distress and/or the ownership of the property is in dispute. The Lis Pendens is typically filed when the mortgage has been in default for 3 to 4 months, however, the timeframe can vary depending on circumstances.
The Lis Pendens Monitor is published on a weekly basis on Thursday’s and is delivered via email. The Lis Pendens Monitor is delivered to you in 3 formats: MS Excel, MS Word (Ready-to-Print Mailing Labels) and a PDF report. The Lis Pendens Monitor includes the complete dataset associated with the court action to enable you to conduct further research on the property.
The Lis Pendens Monitor includes:
- Defendant (First /Last) Name
- Address/Hamlet/State/Zip
- Index Number
- Plaintiff
- Original Mortgage Date & Amount
- Mortgage Liber & Page
- Tax Map Number (Dist/Sec/Block/Lot)
The Lis Pendens Monitor is available for the following areas:
Nassau County
Suffolk County
Hempstead Township
North Hempstead
Oyster Bay Township
Babylon Township
Brookhaven Township
Huntington Township
Islip Township
Smithtown Township
East End
**For further definition of the hamlets in each township, please see Hamlets/Townships on menu bar.